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Audit and Assurance

Controls & systems process assuranceOur Systems and Process Assurance (SPA) practice provides services related to controls around the financial reporting process, including financial business process and IT management controls. Serving both audit and non-audit clients, SPA provides.

RATAN CHANDAK & CO. help you in the following areas

  • Appraisal of Infrastructure security
  • Assessment of IT general controls
  • Assistance in documenting or testing internal controls over financial reporting
  • Assistance on Turnbull and Sarbanes-Oxley 404 requirements.
  • Corporate governance
  • Data quality reviews
  • Design, implementation and testing of controls
  • Due diligence on systems and controls
  • Due diligence on systems and controls
  • Evaluation of Database security controls
  • Fulfillment with other regulatory requirements
  • Identification of weaknesses and possible design enhancements in control structure
  • Independent SAS 70 reviews
  • Pre- and post-implementation systems examination
  • Preparation of SAS 70 report
  • Production of process flow diagrams and documentation
  • Project assurance services
  • Review on joint venture or other transaction
  • Reviews on Financial and operation applications/business process controls
  • Risk management
  • Sarbanes-Oxley readiness, process improvement and sustainability services
  • Shared service centres / process reviews
  • Systems pre- and post-implementation reviews
  • Third party assurance and opinion services
  • Third party reports / opinions e.g. internet gaming, web seals

Corporate reporting improvement RATAN CHANDAK & CO. support organisation that require assurance on the quality as well as the credibility of internal management information and external disclosures and non-financial indicators. Our professional leadership on issues related to non-financial performance reporting, has not been limited to simply advocating reform. Instead, RATAN CHANDAK & CO. helped pioneer the concept and practice of non-financial performance reporting with the development of Value Reporting the most comprehensive and robust approach to reporting transparency available in the marketplace.

RATAN CHANDAK & CO. help you in the following areas

  • Advice on assurance strategy
  • Assessment of external communications
  • Benchmarking of external communications against global peers
  • Better management of information
  • Comparison on own company's corporate reporting with the competitors
  • Complying with the EU's Transparency Directive
  • Confidence in the validity of your non-financial information
  • Corporate governance
  • Corporate responsibility
  • Executive remuneration
  • Expand the portion of your annual report to meet new requirements
  • Facilitation of stakeholder led assurance processes or report review committees
  • Financial reporting
  • Guide on how to articulate your company's value
  • Improve the transparency of corporate reporting
  • Narrative reporting
  • Private or public assurance on non-financial information
  • Recommend changes required to support comprehensive and reliable management information
  • Support for the development of a short and long-term communications strategy
  • Understand company's value proposition

Financial accounting RATAN CHANDAK & CO.have the extensive knowledge and expertise for organisations that need high excellence accounting advice. Our financial accounting and advice, support tools, guidance, and training will perk up the quality of the financial reporting of your company.

RATAN CHANDAK & CO. help you in the following areas

  • Accounting and regulatory advice on your national GAAP and IFRS
  • Accounting developments seminars
  • Advise on the form and presentation of the financial statements
  • Assist companies in planning ahead for changes in U.S. GAAP / IFRS / SFRS
  • Assistance in impact assessment
  • Comprehensive accounting guidance and training
  • Conversion to IFRS
  • Customized US GAAP, IFRS and SFRS training for staff
  • Guidance on Financial Instruments
  • Harmonizing your accounting policies after any merger and acquisition
  • Identify potential GAAP differences between company's existing reporting framework to US GAAP/IFRS
  • Keeping update on developments in financial reporting in domestic and international
  • Maintaining accounts receivables, accounts payable etc
  • Makes you understand how IFRS compares
  • Monthly MIS reports
  • Payroll reconciliation
  • Preparation of books of accounts
  • Preparation of expense vouchers, suppliers invoices, check deposit memo
  • Preparation of final financial statements to suite the requirements of the appropriate laws and authorities
  • Preparation of financial statement
  • Preparation of invoices
  • Preparations of income and expense statement
  • Quantify the differences identified
  • Regular updates on changes to US GAAP, IFRS and SFRS to the company
  • Revenue Recognition
  • Salary processing, leave and attendance record, payments of bonus and incentives, reimbursement and staff expenses records & employee loan processing
  • Share Based Payments
  • Solve difficult technical accounting issue that one cannot solve in-house
  • Structuring advice
  • Tax Effect Accounting
  • Technical update on corporate governance and financial reporting

Financial statement AuditAn independent audit of financial statements contributes to investor confidence and therefore to the effective functioning of capital markets. RATAN CHANDAK & CO.'s audit approach is based on a consistent methodology developed to comply with International Standards on Auditing. Our audit clients include many of the world's leading multinational corporations, as well as many small and medium-sized companies and a significant number of local authorities and other public sector bodies.

RATAN CHANDAK & CO. help you in the following areas

  • Advice on controls and processing system weaknesses
  • Assist member firms' clients and professionals with application and interpretation of International Financial Reporting Standards and International Standards on Auditing
  • Compliance with regulations
  • Confirmation of accounting treatments with respect to complex transactions
  • Customizing audit services
  • Exploring the feasibility of changing audit firms
  • Filing of audited financial statements
  • Help audit committee members keep pace with business issues related to governance, audit, accounting and financial reporting
  • Increased monitoring of prospective accounting and regulatory changes
  • Independent review of externally reported information
  • Preparation of Accountants' reports
  • Providing consistent global audit methodology for financial statements
  • Providing non-audit services to organisation

IFRS reportingThe use of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) as a universal financial reporting language is gaining importance across the globe. IFRS presents challenges at all stages of the IFRS conversion lifecycle. They provide a common financial reporting platform for companies that have previously reported on a wide variety of country specific accounting principles. RATAN CHANDAK & CO. has experience of helping clients transition from local GAAP to IFRS and assists clients around the world to provide accurate and meaningful IFRS financial reports. RATAN CHANDAK & CO.support company successfully to complete their conversion in accordance with new accounting standards.RATAN CHANDAK & CO. is equipped with the range of professionals to help company's conversion to IFRS, including: technical accounting, treasury, tax, human resource, M&A valuations and project management

RATAN CHANDAK & CO. help you in the following areas

  • Advice on technical accounting and support tools
  • Allocation purchase price related to business combinations
  • Assess the moving of tax implications to IFRS
  • Better access to and reduction in the cost of capital raised from global capital markets
  • Business Combinations
  • Capital market transactions
  • Consistent application of accounting principles
  • Consolidated Financial Statements
  • Conversion to IFRS
  • Corporate governance
  • Deferred Tax Accounting
  • Employee Benefits
  • Expertise in Transitional IFRS project management tool
  • Fair Value Accounting
  • Financial Instruments
  • Foreign currency translation
  • IFRS Comparison with Indian GAAP
  • Improvement in comparability of financial information and financial performance with global peers and industry standards
  • Improvement in reliability of financial statements
  • Introduction to IFRS
  • Objective assessment of project processes, controls and deliverables.
  • Optimize all decisions related to IFRS conversion and ensure that wider business opportunities are considered
  • Preparation of IFRS financial statements
  • Provide guidance on customizing processes, data, and systems for IFRS
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Systems support
  • Valuation and mutilation testing

Internal audit RATAN CHANDAK & CO. assist organisations which want to improve the quality and efficiency of their internal audit processes. We offer a broad range of customized Internal Audit services to augment corporate governance, manage business risk, provide assurance on control effectiveness, and support organization in achieving the objectives.

RATAN CHANDAK & CO. help you in the following areas

  • Accounting procedures manual
  • Advise on Internal audit
  • Appraise the controls designed into the system against control objectives
  • Counsel on Sarbanes-Oxley
  • Determine the control objectives
  • Ensure adherence to management policies and directives in order to achieve efficiently and economically the organisation 's objectives
  • Ensure compliance with statutory requirements
  • Establishing an Internal Audit Function
  • Give an opinion based on audit objectives as to whether the system provides an adequate basis for effective control and whether it is properly operated in practice
  • Identify expected controls to meet control objectives
  • Identify the system parameters
  • Internal audit co-sourcing
  • Internal audit outsourcing
  • Reconciliation problem resolution
  • Review and Assessment of Corporate Governance
  • Review the system against expected controls
  • Safeguard assets
  • Secure the relevance, reliability and integrity of information, so ensuring as far as possible the completeness and accuracy of records
  • Strategic review of internal audit departments
  • Technical advice
  • Test the actual controls for effectiveness against control objectives
  • Test the operation of controls in practice

Regulatory compliance and reporting RATAN CHANDAK & CO. advice and support organizations which are engaged in activities that come under the control of a regulator to manage regulatory risks. In a dynamic regulatory environment, we proactively help you to identify, manage, and control both present as well as future regulatory risks.

RATAN CHANDAK & CO. help you in the following areas

  • Advice and assistance in getting business authorisation by a regulator
  • Assess and remediate and report vulnerabilities
  • Assess endpoint configuration to assure compliancy
  • Assessment of new regulations on business model
  • Assistance in meeting regulatory standards and expectations
  • Assurance of regulatory compliance
  • Audit security policies through detailed and actionable reporting
  • Benchmarking of regulatory compliance against industry peers
  • Controlling compliance cost
  • Develop endpoint security policies and mandatory baselines
  • Developing a risk-based compliance control framework and monitoring programme
  • Discover assets through network and agent-based security assessments
  • Enforce application and device use policies at the endpoint
  • Establishing a suitable compliance culture within business
  • Evaluation of present and future regulatory risk profile and the impact of new regulations
  • Implementing a risk-based compliance control framework and monitoring programme
  • Independent assurance on regulatory financial statements
  • Informing about regulations that might destroy business or may lead to a loss in competitive advantage
  • Informing about the reputational risk from failing to comply with regulations
  • Provide staff training in view of new compliance issues
  • Reviewing on existing compliance departments
  • Support in dealing with regulatory enforcement actions and remediation exercises

Sarbanes-Oxley ComplianceFor all organizations that are registered with Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) should conform to the requirements of section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which requires management and the external auditor to report on the adequacy of the company's internal control over financial reporting (ICFR). RATAN CHANDAK & CO. offer a wide range of services to achieve this conformance. Our consultative services comprise of project management support, technical assistance, determining the risk assessment and scoping actions, assisting in documentation and assessment efforts, training, quality assurance, and review. For non-audit clients, we RATAN CHANDAK & CO. offer direct assistance in the appraisal and remediation of controls.

RATAN CHANDAK & CO. help you in the following areas

  • Assessment of internal control
  • Assessment of the design and operating effectiveness of selected internal controls related to significant accounts and relevant assertions
  • Change management
  • Conclude on the adequacy of internal control over financial reporting
  • Control analysis
  • Control environment assistance
  • Derive the greatest value from efforts
  • Design and execution of solutions
  • Documentation support
  • Evaluate company-level controls
  • Perform a fraud risk assessment
  • Process improvement
  • Process narratives
  • Project management
  • Quality assurance and review activities
  • Remediation SOX policies and procedures
  • Risk assessment
  • Technical support including scoping, documentation, evaluation, and reporting
  • Testing
  • Training and training materials

Sustainability reportingFor companies looking to improve business performance and create long-term shareholder value, Ratan Chandak & Co. develop a corporate responsibility/sustainability strategy that focuses on key issues for your business and enhances relationships with key stakeholder groups. We support our clients in the areas of corporate governance and business ethics, environmental health and safety management, social responsibility, strategy and economics, responsible supply-chain management, and reporting and assurance of non-financial information.

RATAN CHANDAK & CO. help you in the following areas

  • Assessment of the quality of management systems and performance data
  • Assistance in data collection and compilation protocols
  • Assurance credibility of the published information in sustainability or corporate responsibility report
  • Compliance on environmental health and safety
  • Conceptualize and develop a sustainability management and reporting framework
  • Declaration and reporting of non-financial information
  • Define sustainability performance parameters,KPI's
  • Determine the nature and extent of any environmental/health and safety liabilities
  • Employment strategy
  • Enhancement of governance structure, policy framework and risk management processes
  • Environmental due diligence
  • Establish reporting principles and methodologies
  • Guidance in report preparation
  • Implementation of Corporate social responsibility programme
  • Improvement of Corporate governance process
  • Measurement and reporting of human capital
  • Policy and code of conduct development
  • Social, ethical, and environmental risk assessments
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Support analyzing existing practices and documents
  • Support internal audit programme
  • Sustainability/CSR reporting
  • Training and capacity building
  • Understanding of important stakeholders and develop a stakeholder engagement programme
  • Understanding of key corporate responsibility/sustainability issues and their social, environmental, and economic impact.
  • Verification and Assurance services
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